Standard Membership
Anyone may register as a Standard Member.
Standard Members are eligible to take advanced IBA courses once having completed the BodyTalk Fundamentals course and supplemental Advanced Protocol & Procedure course.
Standard Members can retake (monitor) any IBA seminar (unless otherwise stated) at a 75% discount.
Standard Members receive access to Members-only resources, charts, and downloads.
Standard Members receive access to the Member forums where they may ask questions, and which are a vast resource of member experiences and wisdom.
Standard Membership is required to take the exam to become a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner before upgrading to Practitioner Membership.
Standard Membership is $50 USD per year, subject to international exchange rates. Currently on special for $37.50 USD. Take advantage!
The membership period is one year from the date of membership purchase.

Your Membership
Standard Membership renewal is $37.50 USD.
Update my information on the IBA site.

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